start my own business
adopt a dog
buy a new car
see grandfather
get in shape (toned and flexible)
finish the house
vacation in 3 states with Jason
cook a new item every week for 4 months
read a book 2x a month (or 24 books in a year)
save 20% of my income for a year
floss daily
send out holiday cards
start yoga for back
visit Cheyenne in California
quit 2nd job
donate $ to charity
move in an aerobic way for 20 minutes every morning
quit drinking soda
set up account to start family
buy software needed
have backup system for computer completed
have a booth in a bridal show
start personal photo project
take a photo a day
set up 401k
spend a day at a spa
work from home
blog everyday for a month
do portraits of family
introduce more color in wardrobe
start new hobby
register to vote
change bank accounts/ drivers license
host a party
keep a fitness journal
have fast turnover rate
buy dream camera
get collection of photo props
watch less television
promote blog
comment on other peoples blogs
go to the dentist regularly
put up flyers/ promotional fliers around town
get taxes done for me
save all work related reciepts
write a business plan
finish office- just for work
add to collection of books
get professional work attire
have portrait session done of Jason and I
get new logo
keep financial history (where did the money go?)
learn to meditate
wake up earlier and not have to rush into getting ready
go to bed reasonably (7-8 hours a night)
make a daily list of things to accomplish
have an awesome b-day celebration (take charge)
start a mailing list of clients
be more positive- one minute at a time
vaccuum more
be more energy efficient (more green)
make order sheets
create better contracts
experiment shooting RAW
get textures/ borders/ fun stuff for photos
play with "actions"- create a look
give a compliment a day
purchase a laptop
dine at all the local restaurants I have been wanting to
ride my bike instead of walk as much a possible
support project downtown
frame and hang photos for around house
new furniture for living room
smoke free
be debt free (exept mortgage and car payment)
do something fun with J once a week
offer products with packages
get senior photos going
find 50 locations for photo shoots
Donate photoshoot to charity
find the perfect bag
read the paper/ watch news daily
go camping
go more organic and eat less meat
go hiking
figure out how to make Baxter to quit getting sick
get college photos organized
declutter and organize house
do a wine tasting
make an album of my wedding
buy a new camera while waiting to buy dream camera
bake cookies from scratch
have branding done for company
see a musical/ play once a year
get a day book- be more organized
get teeth whitened
landscape yard
take day trips around Indiana
stay happily married
Thursday, January 3, 2008
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