Monday, May 28, 2007

Who Knew?

I am going to share this on my personal blog since fewer people will have exposure to the truth about me and children. My exposure to children has always been quite limited. In fact, it is almost a rare occasion that I am around children, especially babies. So it comes at a shock to me when my children portraits turn out a success.
With that being said, I have no idea at what a normal baby is suppose to accomplish at what age. But to my little knowledge, I would say that this baby at age 10 weeks has quite the face expressions. It looks like you should be having conversations with this little guy.

So let's bring on the babies. Not my own, not yet. But let's break this unexposed photographer in.

P.S. Check out the new website.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Behold... a website

So, it hasn't officially been a year since I have planned on starting a website but 9 months is pretty close. The only reason I remember is because I had my vacation in August and had all these high hopes of accomplishing a to-do list. I might have managed to iron some clothes and get a facial. Anyway, THE WEBSITE IS DONE!

My Yard Situation

For the people that don't know, we bought our house as a fixer-upper. And don't take that likely. When we originally bought the house, there wasn't a livable room in the entire house. Someone had started projects and never completed them (think ripping all the baseboards off and piling them all in the basement. ) We have completed many of projects over the last year but still have some pretty major things to get done before I start posting before and after pics. Needless to say, our yard was bare and since we are on a corner lot, there isn't a lot of privacy. But... we have started planting to make our yard a little more picturesque.

This is my little cherry tree that will eventually shade the side of our front porch.

My cool hot pink flowers have plans to take over the area in front of the porch

The lavender is going to shade/ hide the basement window. Smells so good!

This will eventually be a bush. It's only about 8 inches tall now but it has high hopes.

This little dude is an annual and won't be around next year. Here's a picture to remember you by.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

The Best Ugly Shoes Ever!

I got to break out a new brand of running shoes and I love them. "Earth Shoes" are great and their line of running shoes are just the most comfortable running shoe I have ever had. They are just really weirdly shaped. Most running shoes are made to look really aerodynamic and just squeeze your foot. These have plenty of room for my toes and my arches were loving them.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Early Summer Flowers

Despite the frost warning earlier this week, all my mother's flowers stayed in full bloom. She even risked not covering her plants. She's such a rebel.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007


I have officially caught up on all my photography work. Now I need more. It's an addiction. What I need to do is to get crackin' on my website. I was precrastinating on it due to lack of time and other pressing obligations. Hopefully, it will be good to go shortly. Also, in blogging news, the oliviaallen blog will be kept more as a personal blog (still with photos) but more personal info will be posted. Think wedding updates. Keep checking for more professional news and photos.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Catching Up

I've slacked off again on my blog this week but I am back. Here are some more of the Khan family.